"Michael Simmons: Self Transformation in Prison"
Writing for the Chicago Tribune, Simmons remarks on a "Good Morning America" segment covering friend and NPEP graduate Bernard McKinley. Simmons argues that GMA's depiction of McKinley distorts the truth of prisons. "If we restrict the transformational story to the emotionally pleasing and exceptionally positive, we ignore the emotionally distressing and exceptionally negative realities of our prisons."
"What would you do with $900 million?"
In an op-ed for the Chicago Sun-Times, Bill Ayers writes, "Yes, Gov. Pritzker, go ahead and tear down Stateville and Logan...But please seize this unique moment, as well, and work toward decarceration — that is, for reducing our bloated prison population and bringing people home, shutting prisons down, and allocating resources for community-building and community-based support."
"More Beautiful, More Terrible" on CBS News
Featured artists, Renaldo Hudson and Jimmy Soto, alongside CSRPC Director of Practice, Alice Kim, gave CBS News a tour of the exhibition. Hudson stated, "These spaces are vitally important because it says our humanity won't be lost behind a prison wall, and people care to hear our voices. And I believe that."
Exhibition featured on Chicago Speaks with Darryl Dennard
"More Beautiful, More Terrible" coordinator, Fernanda Ponce, spoke to Darryl Dennard about art, humanity, and the need for parole in Illinois.